Sunday, February 22, 2009

05. Laid back sunday

Venezuela, Lomography, Scarfs

laid back sunday

Taken at a farmers market in Venezuela by: malabito

The title of this was "Leapin' for Obama" haha
photo by: Delta

Taken with a lomography camera
Photo by: insomnia

Taken in France by: zemoko

The scarf influence..

Not sure what style this is that I like so much, but whatever it is she executed it perfectly here.Like most of this, not sure about the shoes..I like all the layers in this one. And the chunky red scarf. She looks pretty intense.

I like seeing clothes not in fashion ads, but the way actual people wear them.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

04. On a lighter note

The Netherlands, Rabbits, Skinny-ish pants

on a lighter note

The Netherlands. I have an exchange student friend from the Netherlands. Looks nice..
Happy little things by Trois

A lady on flickr has been posting some of her delightful rabbit paintings for you... us rabbit folk.

Beautiful doorway in India.
Photograph by: Greenwood

And now.....

kinda weird mostly coolBrights, boho, and tights oh my!This girl on flickr puts together awesome outfits. However, I wouldn't wear them with heels since I've already got enough height going on! ha

Love the t-shirt and the skinny...ish pants

Something really draws me to this outfit, or maybe it's just the picture in general.

The prints, the prints!!

So many different little details.


Friday, February 20, 2009

03. DIY T-shirt stencil printing

Do it yourself

Hey! I know, I know. Just posted. But I found an awesome DIY t-shirt printing tutorial, and if your into making stuff then check it out. You can make one of a kind band tees and whatnot, it even has a tutorial on how to make your own stencils too. ;)

02. Dark & lovely

Graffiti, Photography, Fashion

Something you'll most likely come to learn is that I love dark and quirky things, which ties into my love of whimsical things as well.

This is Belgium graffiti art. It has a sort of quirky melancholy feel, I just adore it. Photograph by: Rick&bart
ahhh... just dreamy

Love all three outfits. They are all similar in ways, I think their dark sophistication suits this post.
the red doc martin style boots and the oxfords are fantastic! (Btw-I'm in love with shoes)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

01. New, intro

Hi I'm Savvy!

This is Annavas Eyes, a blog I made out of the bordom of mid-winter break and my love of art and fashion. I have been finding so much beautiful photography, art work and street fashion online and just have to put it all somewhere. a blog is a decision I finally came to - that way I can share it all :)

A little about me - I'm a youngster with a wanderlust and a taste for all things whimsical, expressive, and artisitc. I also love fashion and try to incorporate all my love for art into clothes.

My hopes are that this blog becomes a big place full of inspiring eye candy and possibly other interesting things. We'll see!

picture: Pingsi sky lantern festival by *dans